Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Well, It all started when....

As a teenager I was always in great shape.  I don't know how I did it, now that I look back.  I ate fast food and everything, but I guess it was because I was SO active.  I rode my bike everyday after school and then ofcourse on the weekends.  I went ice skating in the winter with friends and held a job full time in the summer.  I know that when I graduated, I was in a serious relationship that was marriage bound.  When I was 19 I remember giving my (now X husband) a hug goodbye and he had placed his hands on my sides at my rib cage and I guess he noticed that there was a little bit of extra weight there.  I will never forget what he said to me.  He said, "Wow, after we get married, you're not going to blimp out on me are you?".  I was SO embarrassed.  In that last year after graduation I had started a management job at Mrs. Field's Cookies and had started to gain some weight from all the snacking I was doing at the store.  I sometimes would skip lunch and just eat a brownie or some cookies fresh out of the oven, and ofcourse I would be sipping pop all day.  I remember one week I worked 73 hours.  I would do my paper work and fall asleep on the desk until the next morning, then do it all over again.  I loved my  job, but the sweets and the lack of discipline really took its toll on me.  I know that is where my problem started, but it wasn't the only thing that kept it going.  I will post more tomorrow or the next day when I get a chance... more about my life and how depression had a lot to do with retaining and even gaining more weight.  Thanks for reading! Bye for now!